WANtaroHP (Memorandum)


Outline of this page


Create favicon.ico

Webmaster created favicon of WANtaroHP with the image of my dogs 'Luke' and 'Mick.' Background color of brown and white of character color are image of 'Luke' and character 'M' means 'Mick.'

Favicon was created using following commands of ImageMagick.

convert -trim -background none -fill white -font c:\Windows\Fonts\timesbd.ttf -pointsize 14 label:M test0.png
convert -size 16x16 canvas:brown test1.png
composite -gravity center test0.png test1.png test2.png
convert test2.png -colors 256 favicon.ico

And following sentence is inserted in each page's header, favicon can be shown.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">

Test page for layout

If you press below button, you can see the test page shown the layout of WANtaroHP.

In test page shown below link, left part for menu (navi area) is colored yellow, and right part for main contents (main area) is colored aqua for good understanding.

'CSS file' is shown in below link.

css for test page

Formatting of HTML files

Actual pages are created by following method.


     .....     .....
     .....     .....


Formatting program by Fortran and input data files are shown in below links. These are for English pages.

f90 program for formatting (actual extension is '.f90')
input file for page title
input file for information of footer
input file for information of header
input file for information of jump in page
input file for information of menu (navi part)
input file for information of comment (navi part)

'Comment' is included in only '(e)index.html.'

Color setting

Color setting of webpage is carried out using following Fortran program.

Output of this program (f90_css_color.f90) is CSS files (csmainE.css, csmainJ.css) for English and Japanese.

f90 program for color setting (actual extension is '.f90')
input file for color setting
input file of model CSS
css for English pages with aqua color (actual extension is '.css')
css for Japanese pages with gray color (actual extension is '.css')

Jump menu in page

Jump menu in page consists of following items.

En : mainpageJumps to English mainpage
Ja : mainpageJumps to Japanese mainpage
Top Jumps to top (header) of the page
Bottom Jumps to bottom (footer) of the page

Jump menu in page is created using following method.

Images including transparent characters are created using following procedure.

Commands for ImageMagick to create png images are shown below.

set font=c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf
set col=lightyellow

convert -monochrome -size 95x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"En : main page" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png png_inlinkGOE.png

convert -monochrome -size 95x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Ja : main page" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png png_inlinkGOJ.png

convert -monochrome -size 55x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Top" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png png_inlinkT.png

convert -monochrome -size 55x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Bottom" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png png_inlinkB.png

inserted by FC2 system