WANtaroHP (ImageMagick: Draw)


Outline of this page

ImageMagick Drawing samples are shown in this page.

Batch file including all commands is shown below.

Batch file including all commands in this page

Contents are shown below.


Draw a Pixel plane

rem *************************************************************************
rem Pixel Plane
rem The origin of Pixel-coordinates is left-top.
rem Positive rotation angle is clockwise angle from horizontal direction.
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 350x300 xc:white -stroke blue ^
-fill navy -draw "translate 50,50 line 0,0 250,0" ^
-fill navy -draw "translate 50,50 polyline 240,-5 250,0 240,5" ^
-fill navy -draw "translate 50,50 rotate -90 line 0,0 -200,0" ^
-fill navy -draw "translate 50,50 rotate -90 polyline -190,-5 -200,0 -190,5" ^
-fill white -draw "translate 50,50 circle 150,87,150,90" ^
-fill none  -draw "translate 50,50 stroke-dasharray 10 5 line 0,0 150,87" ^
-fill none  -draw "translate 50,50 stroke-dasharray 3 2 ellipse 0,0 65,65 0,30" ^
-fill red -stroke none  -pointsize 20 ^
-draw "translate 50,50 text 100,-5 'x-axsis'" ^
-draw "translate 50,50 rotate -90 text -130,-5 'y-axis'" ^
-draw "translate 50,50 rotate 15 text 70,5 'angle'" ^
-draw "translate 50,50 rotate -75 text -10,58 'a0'" ^
-draw "translate 50,50 text 125,110 '(x0,y0)'" ^
-draw "translate 50,50 text -25,-10 '(0,0)'" ^
-fill black -stroke none  -pointsize 24 ^
-draw "translate 50,50 text 75,230 'Pixel plane'" ^
-scale 350x300 00coordinate.gif

Convert the pixel color to complementary color

rem *************************************************************************
rem Convert the pixel color to complementary color using '-negate'
rem *************************************************************************
convert -negate 00coordinate.gif 00coordinate-n.gif

Draw a point

rem *************************************************************************
rem Point
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 10x6 xc:skyblue -fill black -draw "point 3,2" -scale 100x60   01draw_point.gif

Draw rectangle and arc

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rectangle  /  Rounded Rectangle  /  Rectangular Arc
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "rectangle 20,10 80,50"            02draw_rect.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "roundrectangle 20,10 80,50 20,15" 03draw_rrect.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "arc 20,10 80,50 0,360"            04draw_arc.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "arc 20,10 80,50 0,135"            05draw_arc_partial.gif
02draw_rect.gif 03draw_rrect.gif 04draw_arc.gif 05draw_arc_partial.gif

Draw circle and ellipse

rem *************************************************************************
rem Circle  /  Ellipse    (centered on a point)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "circle  50,30 40,10"        06draw_circle.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "ellipse 50,30 40,20  0,360" 07draw_ellipse.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "ellipse 50,30 40,20 45,270" 08draw_ellipse_partial.gif
06draw_circle.gif 07draw_ellipse.gif 08draw_ellipse_partial.gif

Draw lines

rem *************************************************************************
rem Line / Polyline / Polygon / Bezier
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "line 20,50 90,10"                 09draw_line.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "polyline 40,10 20,50 90,10 70,40" 10draw_polyline.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "polygon  40,10 20,50 90,10 70,40" 11draw_polygon.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "bezier   40,10 20,50 90,10 70,40" 12draw_bezier.gif
09draw_line.gif 10draw_polyline.gif 11draw_polygon.gif 12draw_bezier.gif

Draw a text, paste a image, superimpose diagrams

rem *************************************************************************
rem Draw a text, paste a image, superimpose diagrams
rem If image file 'wanz2.png' don't exist, second command cannot create proper image.
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -font arial -pointsize 40 -gravity center -draw "text 0,0 'WAN'" 13draw_text.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -gravity center -draw "image over 0,0 0,0 'wanz2.png'" 14draw_image.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill red -draw "circle 50,30 40,10" 15draw_circle_global.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill red -draw "fill green circle 50,30 40,10" 16draw_circle_override.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -draw "fill green circle 41,39 44,57 fill blue circle 59,39 56,57 fill red circle 50,21 50,3" 17draw_circle_multi.gif
13draw_text.gif 14draw_image.gif 15draw_circle_global.gif 16draw_circle_override.gif 17draw_circle_multi.gif

Draw lines using 'path'

rem *************************************************************************
rem Draw lines using 'path' (a closed curve can specified using 'z')
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "path 'M 40,10 L 20,50 90,10 70,40'"       18path_open.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "path 'M 40,10 L 20,50 90,10 70,40 40,10'" 19path_complete.gif
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -draw "path 'M 40,10 20,50 90,10 70,40 Z'"       20path_closed.gif
18path_open.gif 19path_complete.gif 20path_closed.gif

Change the transmittance of lines

rem *************************************************************************
rem Change the transmittance of lines (stroke-opacity)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill none -stroke black ^
-draw "path 'M 10,10 L 90,10'" ^
-draw "stroke-opacity 0.8 path 'M 10,20 L 90,20'" ^
-draw "stroke-opacity 0.6 path 'M 10,30 L 90,30'" ^
-draw "stroke-opacity 0.4 path 'M 10,40 L 90,40'" ^
-draw "stroke-opacity 0.2 path 'M 10,50 L 90,50'" ^

Change the transmittance of filled color

rem *************************************************************************
rem Change the transmittance of filled color (fill-opacity)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black ^
-draw "                 rectangle  5,10 15,50 " ^
-draw "fill-opacity 0.8 rectangle 20,10 30,50 " ^
-draw "fill-opacity 0.6 rectangle 35,10 45,50 " ^
-draw "fill-opacity 0.4 rectangle 50,10 60,50 " ^
-draw "fill-opacity 0.2 rectangle 65,10 75,50 " ^
-draw "fill-opacity  0  rectangle 80,10 90,50 " ^

Line test

rem *************************************************************************
rem Line test (strike-dasharray)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill none -stroke black ^
-draw "                           path 'M 10,10 L 90,10'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 5 3       path 'M 10,20 L 90,20'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 5 5       path 'M 10,30 L 90,30'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 10 3 3 3  path 'M 10,40 L 90,40'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 1 6       path 'M 10,50 L 90,50'" ^

Fill gaps using '-fill white'

rem *************************************************************************
rem Fill gaps using '-fill white'
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black ^
-draw "                           path 'M 10,10 L 90,10'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 5 3       path 'M 10,20 L 90,20'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 5 5       path 'M 10,30 L 90,30'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 10 3 3 3  path 'M 10,40 L 90,40'" ^
-draw "stroke-dasharray 1 6       path 'M 10,50 L 90,50'" ^

Change the edge of line

rem *************************************************************************
rem Change the edge of line
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth 8 ^
-draw "                       path 'M 20,20 L 20,70'" ^
-draw "stroke-linecap butt    path 'M 40,20 L 40,70'" ^
-draw "stroke-linecap round   path 'M 60,20 L 60,70'" ^
-draw "stroke-linecap square  path 'M 80,20 L 80,70'" ^

Pie chart

rem *************************************************************************
rem Pie chart
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 140x130 xc:white -stroke black ^
   -fill red   -draw "path 'M 60,70 L   60,20   A 50,50 0 0,1 68.7,20.8 Z'" ^
   -fill green -draw "path 'M 60,70 L 68.7,20.8 A 50,50 0 0,1 77.1,23.0 Z'" ^
   -fill blue  -draw "path 'M 68,65 L 85.1,18.0 A 50,50 0 0,1  118,65   Z'" ^
   -fill gold  -draw "path 'M 60,70 L  110,70   A 50,50 0 1,1   60,20   Z'" ^
   -fill black -stroke none  -pointsize 10 ^
   -draw "text 57,19 '10' text 70,20 '10' text 90,19 '70' text 113,78 '270'" ^

Rotate a rectangle

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rotate a rectangle
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue ^
-draw "translate 50,30 rotate 30 fill white stroke black rectangle -20,-10 20,10" ^
-draw "translate 50 30 fill none  stroke red line -10,0 10,0 line 0,-10 0,10" ^

Rotate a ellipse

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rotate a ellipse
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue ^
-draw "translate 50,30 rotate -30 fill white stroke black ellipse 0,0 30,15 0,360" ^
-draw "translate 50 30 fill none  stroke red path 'M 0,10 0,-10  M 10,0 -10,0'" ^

Rotate lines

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rotate lines drawn by 'path'
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue ^
-draw "translate 50,30 rotate -30 fill white stroke black path 'M 0,20 -45,20 20,-25 -25,-25'" ^
-draw "translate 50 30 rotate 30 fill none  stroke red path 'M 0,10 0,-10  M 10,0 -10,0'" ^

Rotate ellipse (push / pop)

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rotate a ellipse (pusy / pop)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black ^
-draw "push graphic-context translate 50,30 rotate 30 fill white  stroke black ellipse 0,0 30,15 0,360 pop graphic-context" ^

Rotate rectangle (push / pop)

rem *************************************************************************
rem Rotate a rectangle (pusy / pop)
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black ^
-draw "push graphic-context translate 50,30 rotate 30 fill white  stroke black rectangle -20,-10 20,10 pop graphic-context" ^
-draw "translate 50 30 fill none  stroke red path 'M 0,10 0,-10  M 10,0 -10,0'" ^

Connect images

rem *************************************************************************
rem Connect images
rem *************************************************************************
convert ( 02draw_rect.gif 03draw_rrect.gif  +append ) ^
        ( 04draw_arc.gif  06draw_circle.gif +append ) ^
        -append 32test.gif

Connect images with frame drawn by '-raise'

rem *************************************************************************
rem Connect images with frame drawn by '-raise'
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:W 0W1.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:A 0A2.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:N 0N3.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:t 0t4.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:a 0a5.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:r 0r6.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:o 0o7.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:H 0H8.gif
convert -size 25x25 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -raise 5 label:P 0P9.gif
convert +append 0W1.gif 0A2.gif 0N3.gif 0t4.gif 0a5.gif 0r6.gif 0o7.gif 0H8.gif 0P9.gif 33WANtaroHP.gif
del 0W1.gif 0A2.gif 0N3.gif 0t4.gif 0a5.gif 0r6.gif 0o7.gif 0H8.gif 0P9.gif

Connect images with frame drawn by '-frame'

rem *************************************************************************
rem Connect images with frame drawn by '-frame'
rem *************************************************************************
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:W 1W1.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:A 1A2.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:N 1N3.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:t 1t4.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:a 1a5.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:r 1r6.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:o 1o7.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:H 1H8.gif
convert -size 20x20 -background LemonChiffon -fill black -font c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf -pointsize 20 -gravity center -frame 5x5+2+2 label:P 1P9.gif
convert +append 1W1.gif 1A2.gif 1N3.gif 1t4.gif 1a5.gif 1r6.gif 1o7.gif 1H8.gif 1P9.gif 34WANtaroHP.gif
del 1W1.gif 1A2.gif 1N3.gif 1t4.gif 1a5.gif 1r6.gif 1o7.gif 1H8.gif 1P9.gif


Create image with two rows character string including Japanese character

rem *************************************************************************
rem Create image with two rows character string including Japanese character
rem *************************************************************************
rem Create character string. Japanese character must be read from the file (wan_inp.txt) saved as 'UTF8N'
rem Delete blank using '-trim'
convert -trim -background none -fill navy -font c:\Windows\Fonts\meiryo.ttc -pointsize 11 label:WANtaroHP wan0U.png
convert -trim -background none -fill navy -font c:\Windows\Fonts\meiryo.ttc -pointsize 14 label:@wan_inp.txt wan0D.png
rem Add transparent part using 'border' for adding the fram with 3-pixel width.
convert -bordercolor none -border 0x3 wan0U.png temp0U.png
convert -bordercolor none -border 0x3 wan0D.png temp0D.png

rem Superimpose images
rem Add the frame using '-raise'
convert -size 88x31 canvas:aqua wan1b.png
composite -gravity north temp0U.png wan1b.png temp1.png
composite -gravity south temp0D.png temp1.png temp.png
convert -raise 3 temp.png wanz1.png

rem Create images with gradation
rem Connect images using '-append'
convert -size 88x15 gradient:yellow-white temp1.png
convert -size 88x16 gradient:white-yellow temp2.png
convert -append temp1.png temp2.png wan2b.png
composite -gravity north temp0U.png wan2b.png temp1.png
composite -gravity south temp0D.png temp1.png temp.png
convert -raise 3 temp.png wanz2.png

rem Create background image with plasma gradation
convert -size 88x31 plasma:white-white wan3b.png
composite -gravity north temp0U.png wan3b.png temp1.png
composite -gravity south temp0D.png temp1.png temp.png
convert -raise 3 temp.png wanz3.png

rem Delete work files
del temp*.png
wan0U.png wan0D.png
wan1b.png wan2b.png wan3b.png
wanz1.png wanz2.png wanz3.png

Create image with transparent characters

Images including transparent characters are created using following procedure.

rem *************************************************************************
rem Create image with transparent characters
rem *************************************************************************
set font=c:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf
set col=blue
rem set col=lightyellow

convert -monochrome -size 95x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"En : main page" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png 35png_inlinkGOE.png

convert -monochrome -size 95x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Ja : main page" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png 35png_inlinkGOJ.png

convert -monochrome -size 55x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Top" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png 35png_inlinkT.png

convert -monochrome -size 55x16 -background white -fill black ^
-font %font% -pointsize 12 -gravity center -raise 3 label:"Bottom" png_test01.png
convert -fuzz 50% -transparent black png_test01.png png_inp.png
convert -fill %col% -opaque white png_inp.png 35png_inlinkB.png
35png_inlinkGOE.png 35png_inlinkGOJ.png 35png_inlinkT.png 35png_inlinkB.png

inserted by FC2 system