set terminal png set output "fig_png_point.png" # set title "Point sample" set xrange [0:10] set yrange [0:15] # set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set key outside bottom # plot "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*14) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 0 linetype -1 title "pointtype 0", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*13) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 1 linetype 1 title "pointtype 1", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*12) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 2 linetype 2 title "pointtype 2", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*11) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 3 linetype 3 title "pointtype 3", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*10) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 4 linetype 4 title "pointtype 4", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*9) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 5 linetype 5 title "pointtype 5", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*8) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 6 linetype 6 title "pointtype 6", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*7) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 7 linetype 7 title "pointtype 7", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*6) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 8 linetype 8 title "pointtype 8", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*5) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 9 linetype 9 title "pointtype 9", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*4) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 10 linetype 10 title "pointtype 10", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*3) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 11 linetype 11 title "pointtype 11", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*2) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 12 linetype 12 title "pointtype 12", \ "inp_png_point.txt" using 1:($2*1) with points pointsize 2 pointtype 13 linetype 13 title "pointtype 13"