rem ******************************************** rem Drawing by GMT (response spectrum) rem ******************************************** set range=0.01/10/10/10000 set scale=12l/10l set xga=g3a1 set yga=g3a1 set xlabel="Period (sec)" set ylabel="Response acceleration (gal)" gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 12 gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 12 gmtset TICK_LENGTH 0c rem ******************************************** rem Drawing of TCGH16 rem ******************************************** set inpl=inp_legend_t.txt set inp_1=dat_spc_TCGH16_EW2.csv set inp_2=dat_spc_TCGH16_NS2.csv set inp_3=dat_spc_TCGH16_UD2.csv set fig=fig_spc_t.eps rem =============================== rem Making of batch file for legend rem =============================== echo 12 $ 10 $ bl $ 0.3 $ 0.3 > %inpl% echo 10 $ 0.7 $ 3 >> %inpl% echo TCGH16_EW2 $ 5 $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% echo TCGH16_NS2 $ 5t10_5:0 $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% echo TCGH16_UD2 $ 5t5_5:0 $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% gawk -f \WANtaroHP_plot\gmt_basic\awk_klegend.awk %inpl% > legend.bat rem =============================== rem Plotting rem =============================== psbasemap -R%range% -JX%scale% -B%xga%:%xlabel%:/%yga%:%ylabel%:WSen -P -X5 -Y6 -K > %fig% gawk "BEGIN{FS=\",\"}{if(3> %fig% gawk "BEGIN{FS=\",\"}{if(3> %fig% gawk "BEGIN{FS=\",\"}{if(3> %fig% echo 0.01 12000 10 0 0 BL Damping factor h=0.05 | pstext -R -J -N -P -O -K >> %fig% rem =============================== rem Drawing of legend rem =============================== call legend.bat rem ******************************************** rem Delete of work files rem ******************************************** del .gmt* del _*.* rem ******************************************** rem Releasing of the set variables rem ******************************************** set range= set scale= set xga= set yga= set xlabel= set ylabel= set inpl= set inp_1= set inp_2= set inp_3= set fig=