reset set terminal postscript eps enhanced font "Helvetica" 20 set output "fig_eps_Tmd.eps" # set multiplot set origin 0,0 set size ratio -1 # set xrange [-10000:10000] set yrange [-10000:10000] set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set style arrow 1 size graph 0.02,10 filled nohead linewidth 1 linetype 5 set style arrow 2 size graph 0.02,10 filled nohead linewidth 1 linetype 1 set style arrow 3 size graph 0.02,10 filled heads linewidth 1 linetype 1 set style arrow 4 size graph 0.02,10 filled linewidth 1 linetype 1 set arrow as 1 from 6500.000,0.000 to -6500.000,0.000 set arrow as 1 from 0.000,-7000.000 to 0.000,6500.000 # set arrow as 2 from 0.000,5500.000 to 7200.000,5500.000 set arrow as 2 from 0.000,5000.000 to 7200.000,5000.000 set arrow as 2 from 0.000,3000.000 to 7200.000,3000.000 set arrow as 2 from 0.000,-3000.000 to 7200.000,-3000.000 set arrow as 2 from 0.000,-5000.000 to 7200.000,-5000.000 set arrow as 2 from 3500.000,-6000.000 to 7200.000,-6000.000 set arrow as 2 from 0.000,0.000 to -4811.498,-1359.960 set label "{/Symbol q}" at -2405.749,-339.990 center set arrow as 2 from 0.000,0.000 to 4811.498,-1359.960 set label "{/Symbol q}" at 2405.749,-339.990 center set arrow as 2 from -3500.000,-6000.000 to -3500.000,-7700.000 set arrow as 2 from 3500.000,-6000.000 to 3500.000,-7700.000 set arrow as 2 from -4811.498,-1359.960 to -4811.498,-8700.000 set arrow as 2 from 4811.498,-1359.960 to 4811.498,-8700.000 set arrow as 2 from -4811.498,-1359.960 to -7200.000,-1359.960 set arrow as 2 from -3500.000,-6000.000 to -7200.000,-6000.000 set arrow as 3 from 7000.000,5000.000 to 7000.000,3000.000 set label "T{/=14 c}" at 7500.000,4000.000 left set arrow as 3 from 7000.000,3000.000 to 7000.000,-3000.000 set label "D{/=14 0}" at 7500.000,0.000 left set arrow as 3 from 7000.000,-3000.000 to 7000.000,-5000.000 set label "T{/=14 c}" at 7500.000,-4000.000 left set arrow as 3 from -3500.000,-7500.000 to 3500.000,-7500.000 set label "W" at 0.000,-8000.000 center set arrow as 3 from -4811.498,-7500.000 to -3500.000,-7500.000 set label "h*tan{/Symbol q}" at -4155.749,-8000.000 center set arrow as 3 from 4811.498,-7500.000 to 3500.000,-7500.000 set label "h*tan{/Symbol q}" at 4155.749,-8000.000 center set arrow as 3 from -4811.498,-8500.000 to 4811.498,-8500.000 set label "2(D{/=14 0}/2+T{/=14 c})*cos{/Symbol q}" at 0.000,-9000.000 center set arrow as 3 from -7000.000,-6000.000 to -7000.000,-1359.960 set label "h" at -7500.000,-3679.980 center set arrow as 4 from 7000.000,6500.000 to 7000.000,5500.000 set label "t{/=14 s}" at 7500.000,5250.000 left set arrow as 4 from 7000.000,-7000.000 to 7000.000,-6000.000 set label "T{/=14 x}" at 7500.000,-5500.000 left set arrow as 4 from -3181.981,3181.981 to -3889.087,3889.087 set arrow as 4 from -4949.747,4949.747 to -4242.641,4242.641 set label " t{/=14 p}" at -4949.747,4949.747 right rotate by -45 # plot "-" with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 3 linetype 3 notitle 4811.498 -1359.960 3500.000 -6000.000 -3500.000 -6000.000 -4811.498 -1359.960 e 5292.647 -1495.956 4019.589 -6000.000 -4019.589 -6000.000 -5292.647 -1495.956 e 5773.797 -1631.952 4449.727 -6500.000 -4449.727 -6500.000 -5773.797 -1631.952 e # set origin 0,0 set polar set angles degree set samples 720 set trange [0:360] plot 3000.000 with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle,\ 5000.000 with lines linewidth 5 linetype 3 notitle # set origin 0,0 set trange [-15.783:195.783] plot 5000.000 with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle,\ 5500.000 with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle,\ 6000.000 with lines linewidth 3 linetype 2 notitle # # unset multiplot #