reset set terminal png set output "fig_HDP.png" set xlabel "Hydro dynamic pressure (tf / m^2)" set ylabel "Distance from the bottom (m)" set xtics 0.5 set format x "%.1f" set ytics 1.0 set format y "%.0f" set xrange [0.0:3.0] set yrange [0.0:15.0] set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics set label "r=5.0m kh=0.15" at graph 0.0,graph 1.03 set datafile separator "," plot \ "hdp_H050.csv" using 2:1 with linespoints linetype 2 pointtype 5 title "H=5.0m Potential" , \ "hdp_H050.csv" using 3:1 with linespoints linetype 2 pointtype 9 title "H=5.0m Housner" , \ "hdp_H050.csv" using 4:1 with linespoints linetype 2 pointtype 3 title "H=5.0m Westergaard", \ "hdp_H075.csv" using 2:1 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 5 title "H=7.5m Potential" , \ "hdp_H075.csv" using 3:1 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 9 title "H=7.5m Housner" , \ "hdp_H075.csv" using 4:1 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 3 title "H=7.5m Westergaard" , \ "hdp_H100.csv" using 2:1 with linespoints linetype 1 pointtype 5 title "H=10m Potential" , \ "hdp_H100.csv" using 3:1 with linespoints linetype 1 pointtype 9 title "H=10m Housner" , \ "hdp_H100.csv" using 4:1 with linespoints linetype 1 pointtype 3 title "H=10m Westergaard", \ "hdp_H150.csv" using 2:1 with linespoints linetype 3 pointtype 5 title "H=15m Potential" , \ "hdp_H150.csv" using 3:1 with linespoints linetype 3 pointtype 9 title "H=15m Housner" , \ "hdp_H150.csv" using 4:1 with linespoints linetype 3 pointtype 3 title "H=15m Westergaard"