#========================================= # Spangler's model #========================================= reset set terminal postscript eps enhanced font "Helvetica" 16 set output "fig_eps_spangler_model.eps" # set multiplot set origin 0,0 set size ratio -1 set parametric # set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-10:10] set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set style arrow 1 size graph 0.02,10 nohead linewidth 1 linetype 5 # 中心線 set style arrow 2 size graph 0.02,10 nohead linewidth 1 linetype 1 # 補助線 set style arrow 3 size graph 0.02,20 filled heads linewidth 1 linetype 1 # 両矢印 set style arrow 4 size graph 0.02,20 filled linewidth 1 linetype 1 # 片矢印 set style arrow 5 size graph 0.02,20 nohead linewidth 3 linetype 1 # 太い実線 set style arrow 6 size graph 0.02,20 empty linewidth 1 linetype 1 # 中が白い矢印(座標軸) # # set arrow as 4 from -6,8 to -6,6 set arrow as 4 from -4.90909,8 to -4.90909,6 set arrow as 4 from -3.81818,8 to -3.81818,6 set arrow as 4 from -2.72727,8 to -2.72727,6 set arrow as 4 from -1.63636,8 to -1.63636,6 set arrow as 4 from -0.545455,8 to -0.545455,6 set arrow as 4 from 0.545455,8 to 0.545455,6 set arrow as 4 from 1.63636,8 to 1.63636,6 set arrow as 4 from 2.72727,8 to 2.72727,6 set arrow as 4 from 3.81818,8 to 3.81818,6 set arrow as 4 from 4.90909,8 to 4.90909,6 set arrow as 4 from 6,8 to 6,6 set arrow as 4 from -4.59627,-8.61081 to -4.59627,-6 set arrow as 4 from -3.4472,-8.61081 to -3.4472,-6 set arrow as 4 from -2.29813,-8.61081 to -2.29813,-6 set arrow as 4 from -1.14907,-8.61081 to -1.14907,-6 set arrow as 4 from 0,-8.61081 to 0,-6 set arrow as 4 from 1.14907,-8.61081 to 1.14907,-6 set arrow as 4 from 2.29813,-8.61081 to 2.29813,-6 set arrow as 4 from 3.4472,-8.61081 to 3.4472,-6 set arrow as 4 from 4.59627,-8.61081 to 4.59627,-6 set arrow as 4 from 6.875,3.4472 to 6,3.4472 set arrow as 4 from 7.5,2.29813 to 6,2.29813 set arrow as 4 from 7.875,1.14907 to 6,1.14907 set arrow as 4 from 8,0 to 6,0 set arrow as 4 from 7.875,-1.14907 to 6,-1.14907 set arrow as 4 from 7.5,-2.29813 to 6,-2.29813 set arrow as 4 from 6.875,-3.4472 to 6,-3.4472 set arrow as 4 from 6,-4.59627 to 6,-4.59627 set arrow as 4 from -6.875,3.4472 to -6,3.4472 set arrow as 4 from -7.5,2.29813 to -6,2.29813 set arrow as 4 from -7.875,1.14907 to -6,1.14907 set arrow as 4 from -8,0 to -6,0 set arrow as 4 from -7.875,-1.14907 to -6,-1.14907 set arrow as 4 from -7.5,-2.29813 to -6,-2.29813 set arrow as 4 from -6.875,-3.4472 to -6,-3.4472 set arrow as 4 from -6,-4.59627 to -6,-4.59627 set arrow as 4 from -6,-4.59627 to -6,-4.59627 # set label "W" at 0,8.5 center set label "W/sin({/Symbol q}/2)" at 0,-9.11081 center set label "q" at 8.5,0 center set label "q" at -8.5,0 center set label "{/Symbol q}" at 0,-2 center set label "100{ハ}" at 3,0 center set label "100{ハ}" at -3,0 center # r=6 r2=1.5 r3=2 # set trange [0:2*pi] plot \ r*cos(t),r*sin(t) with lines linewidth 5 linetype 1 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 3 linetype 1 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 3 linetype 1 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 3 linetype 1 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 3 linetype 1 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 4 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 2 notitle, \ "-" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 2 notitle 6 4.59627 6.38 4.13664 6.72 3.67701 7.02 3.21739 7.28 2.75776 7.5 2.29813 7.68 1.83851 7.82 1.37888 7.92 0.919253 7.98 0.459627 8 0 7.98 -0.459627 7.92 -0.919253 7.82 -1.37888 7.68 -1.83851 7.5 -2.29813 7.28 -2.75776 7.02 -3.21739 6.72 -3.67701 6.38 -4.13664 6 -4.59627 6 4.59627 e -6 4.59627 -6.38 4.13664 -6.72 3.67701 -7.02 3.21739 -7.28 2.75776 -7.5 2.29813 -7.68 1.83851 -7.82 1.37888 -7.92 0.919253 -7.98 0.459627 -8 0 -7.98 -0.459627 -7.92 -0.919253 -7.82 -1.37888 -7.68 -1.83851 -7.5 -2.29813 -7.28 -2.75776 -7.02 -3.21739 -6.72 -3.67701 -6.38 -4.13664 -6 -4.59627 -6 4.59627 e -6 6 -6 8 6 8 6 6 -6 6 e -4.59627 -6 -4.59627 -8.61081 4.59627 -8.61081 4.59627 -6 -4.59627 -6 e -4.59627 -6 -4.59627 -3.85673 0 0 4.59627 -3.85673 4.59627 -6 e 6 4.59627 3.85673 4.59627 0 0 3.85673 -4.59627 6 -4.59627 e -6 4.59627 -3.85673 4.59627 0 0 -3.85673 -4.59627 -6 -4.59627 e # set trange [3.83972:5.58505] plot \ r2*cos(t),r2*sin(t) with lines linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle, \ (r2+0.1)*cos(t),(r2+0.1)*sin(t) with lines linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle # set trange [-0.872665:0.872665] plot r3*cos(t),r3*sin(t) with lines linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle # set trange [2.26893:4.01426] plot r3*cos(t),r3*sin(t) with lines linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle unset multiplot q