set terminal postscript eps enhanced set output "fig_eps_polor.eps" # set multiplot # set origin 0,0 set title "Polar test" set polar set angles degree set size ratio -1 # # set samples 720 set xrange[-12:12] set yrange[-12:12] set trange [0:360] set label "1" at 0,10.5 set label "2" at 0,9.5 set label "3" at 0,8.5 set label "4" at 0,7.5 set label "5" at 0,6.5 set label "6" at 0,5.5 # plot 11.5-0.5*sqrt(abs(sin(t/5*180))) with lines linewidth 2 linetype 1 notitle,\ 10 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 2 notitle,\ 9 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 3 notitle,\ 8 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 4 notitle,\ 7 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 5 notitle,\ 6 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 6 notitle # #半径5の内側黒塗り set origin 0,0 set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder plot 5 with filledcurves xy=0,0 notitle #半径4の内側濃灰色塗り set origin 0,0 set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder plot 4 with filledcurves xy=0,0 notitle #半径3の内側薄灰色塗り set origin 0,0 set style fill transparent solid 0.25 noborder plot 3 with filledcurves xy=0,0 notitle #半径2の内側白塗り set origin 0,0 set style fill transparent solid 0 noborder plot 2 with filledcurves xy=0,0 notitle # # unset multiplot # quit