# # Thick shell model # set terminal postscript eps enhanced font "Helvetica" 30 set output "fig_eps_model_TNL.eps" set title "Thick cylindrical shell" font "Helvetica-Bold" set polar set angles degree set size ratio -1 set samples 360 # set trange [0:360] set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set label "a " at first -2.898,first 0.776 right rotate by -15 set label "b " at first -4.830,first -1.294 right rotate by 15 set label "Pa " at first 2,first 0 right set label " Pb" at first 6,first 0 left # plot 3 with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ 5 with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with vector linewidth 4 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with vector linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle 0 2 0 1 30 2 0 1 60 2 0 1 90 2 0 1 120 2 0 1 150 2 0 1 180 2 0 1 210 2 0 1 240 2 0 1 270 2 0 1 300 2 0 1 330 2 0 1 360 2 0 1 0 6 0 -1 30 6 0 -1 60 6 0 -1 90 6 0 -1 120 6 0 -1 150 6 0 -1 180 6 0 -1 210 6 0 -1 240 6 0 -1 270 6 0 -1 300 6 0 -1 330 6 0 -1 360 6 0 -1 e 165 0 0 3 195 0 0 5 e # # # # # reset set terminal postscript eps enhanced font "Helvetica" 40 set output "fig_eps_model_ELM.eps" set title "Small element" font "Helvetica-Bold" set polar set angles degree set size ratio -1 set samples 20 # set trange [-10:10] set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set label "{/Symbol s_q}" at first 3.545,first 0.908 left rotate by 10 set label "{/Symbol s_q}" at first 3.545,first -0.808 left rotate by -10 set label " {/Symbol s}_r+d{/Symbol s}_r" at first 4,first 0.3 left set label "{/Symbol s}_r " at first 3,first 0.3 right set label "dr" at first 3.474,first -0.427 center rotate by -10 set label "r" at first 1.949,first -0.450 center rotate by -10 set label " {/Symbol Dq}" at first 1,first 0 left # plot 3 with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ 4 with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ 1 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 6 linetype 1 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 2 notitle,\ "-" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 2 notitle,\ "-" with vector linewidth 4 linetype 1 notitle 10 3 10 4 e -10 3 -10 4 e 0 0 10 3 e 0 0 -10 3 e 10 3.5 10 0.054 -10 3.5 -10 0.054 0 3 0 -1 0 4 0 1 e # #