reset set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "Helvetica" 20 set output "fig_eps_RC.eps" # set parametric set size ratio -1 set sample 360 set trange [0:2*pi] # set xrange [-230:230] set yrange [-300:230] set border 0 set xtics 0,0,0 set ytics 0,0,0 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # #set style arrow 1 size graph 0.02,10 nohead linewidth 1 linetype 5 中心線 #set style arrow 2 size graph 0.02,10 nohead linewidth 1 linetype 1 補助線 #set style arrow 3 size graph 0.02,20 filled heads linewidth 1 linetype 1 両矢印 #set style arrow 4 size graph 0.02,20 filled linewidth 1 linetype 1 片矢印 #set style arrow 5 size graph 0.02,20 filled linewidth 5 linetype 1 太い片矢印 #set style arrow 6 size graph 0.02,20,30 filled linewidth 2 linetype 1 水圧矢印 # set style line 1 linetype rgb "#000000" # set style arrow 2 size graph 0.02,10 nohead linestyle 1 linewidth 1 linetype 1 set style arrow 3 size graph 0.02,20 filled heads linestyle 1linewidth 1 linetype 1 set style arrow 4 size graph 0.02,20 filled linestyle 1 linewidth 1 linetype 1 # set arrow as 4 from 0,0 to 151.111,34.490 set label " R_c=155mm" at 151.111,34.490 left rotate by 12.857 set arrow as 4 from 0,0 to 41.219,85.592 set label " R_s=95mm" at 41.219,85.592 left rotate by 64.286 # set label "Concrete" at 0,-20 center set label "C30" at 0,-40 center set label "Rebar=14T20" at 0,-125 center set label "Original pile body" at 0,-175 center set label "(not considered)" at 0,-195 center # set arrow as 2 from -225,0 to -225,-285 set arrow as 2 from 225,0 to 225,-285 set arrow as 2 from -155,0 to -155,-255 set arrow as 2 from 155,0 to 155,-255 set arrow as 3 from -225,-280 to 225,-280 set arrow as 3 from -225,-250 to -155,-250 set arrow as 3 from -155,-250 to 155,-250 set arrow as 3 from 155,-250 to 225,-250 set label "450mm" at 0,-295 center set label "70mm" at -190,-265 center set label "70mm" at 190,-265 center set label "310mm" at 0,-265 center # rr=225 r0=155 r1=95 r2=10 a1=0 a2=2*pi/7*1 a3=2*pi/7*2 a4=2*pi/7*3 a5=2*pi/7*4 a6=2*pi/7*5 a7=2*pi/7*6 plot \ rr*cos(t),rr*sin(t) with lines linestyle 1 linewidth 1 linetype 2 notitle, \ r0*cos(t),r0*sin(t) with lines linestyle 1 linewidth 3 linetype 1 notitle, \ r1*cos(t),r1*sin(t) with lines linestyle 1 linewidth 3 linetype 3 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a1),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a1) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a1),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a1) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a2),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a2) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a2),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a2) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a3),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a3) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a3),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a3) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a4),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a4) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a4),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a4) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a5),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a5) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a5),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a5) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a6),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a6) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a6),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a6) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1+r2)*sin(a7),r2*sin(t)+(r1+r2)*cos(a7) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ r2*cos(t)+(r1-r2)*sin(a7),r2*sin(t)+(r1-r2)*cos(a7) with filledcurves linestyle 1 notitle, \ "-" with points notitle 0 0 e