set terminal png set output "fig_out8000_UD.png" set datafile separator "," set title "Spectrum ratio UD" set xlabel "Frequency (Hz)" set ylabel "Fourier spectrum (gal*sec)" set y2label "Spectrum ratio" set xtics 5.000000 set format x "%.0f" set logscale y set logscale y2 set xrange [0.000000:30.000000] set yrange [0.100000:1000.000000] set y2range [0.100000:1000.000000] set y2tics 0.100000 set label "out8000_UD.csv" at graph 0.0,graph 1.025 left set label "Band=1Hz" at graph 1.0,graph 1.025 right set label " 10.08" at first 10.083,first 7.08978 left rotate by 90 set label " 11.89" at first 11.8896,first 5.48512 left rotate by 90 set label " 8.19" at first 8.19092,first 5.33635 left rotate by 90 set label " 12.91" at first 12.915,first 5.09255 left rotate by 90 set label " 9.19" at first 9.19189,first 4.71008 left rotate by 90 set label " 4.63" at first 4.62646,first 4.67462 left rotate by 90 set label " 15.49" at first 15.4907,first 4.5137 left rotate by 90 set label " 18.38" at first 18.3838,first 4.114 left rotate by 90 set label " 6.21" at first 6.21338,first 3.93095 left rotate by 90 set label " 17.47" at first 17.4683,first 3.77548 left rotate by 90 set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics plot \ "out8000_UD.csv" using 1:4 axes x1y1 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 1 title "SF", \ "out8000_UD.csv" using 1:5 axes x1y1 with lines linewidth 2 linetype 3 title "UG", \ "out8000_UD.csv" using 1:6 axes x1y2 with lines linewidth 2 linetype -1 title "Ratio"