set terminal png set output "fig_HISTN.png" set title "Histgram test" set xlabel "data" set ylabel "Relative frequency (%)" set xtics 1.000000 set format x "%.0f" set ytics 10.000000 set format y "%.0f" set xrange [-5.000000:5.000000] set yrange [0.000000:100.000000] set label "n=10000" at graph 0.02,graph 0.95 left set label "mean=0.0113922" at graph 0.02,graph 0.90 left set label "sigma=1.00594" at graph 0.02,graph 0.85 left set label "max=3.84192" at graph 0.02,graph 0.80 left set label "min=-3.74124" at graph 0.02,graph 0.75 left set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics set style fill solid 0.2 border -1 plot \ "temp0.prn" with boxes linewidth 1 linetype 5 notitle, \ "temp1.prn" with lines linewidth 1 linetype 1 notitle