set terminal png set output "fig_HAZL.png" set title "Flowrate" set xlabel "Measurement (m^3/s)" set ylabel "Exceedance probability (%)" set ytics ( \ "99.9" 3.090232,\ "99" 2.326348,\ "95" 1.644854,\ "90" 1.281552,\ "80" 0.841621,\ "50" 0.000000,\ "20" -0.841621,\ "10" -1.281552,\ "5" -1.644854,\ "1" -2.326348,\ "0.1" -3.090232) set logscale x set mxtics 10 set xrange [1.000000:1000.000000] set yrange [-3.090232:3.090232] a=-2.28449 b=3.45408 f(x)=a*log10(x)+b set label "a=-2.28449, b=3.45408, r=-0.973" at graph 0,graph 1.03 set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics plot f(x) with lines title "f(x)=a*log10(x)+b", \ "temp.prn" with points pointtype 4 linetype 4 notitle