set terminal png set output "fig_DAEN_N.png" set key outside bottom set title "Comparison of climates" set xlabel "Rainfall (mm/month)" set ylabel "Temperature (deg.C)" set xtics 50.000000 set format x "%.0f" set ytics 5.000000 set format y "%.0f" set xrange [0.000000:300.000000] set yrange [-10.000000:30.000000] set grid set label "p=0.68" at graph 0,graph 1.03 set parametric set dummy t set trange [0:2*pi] set samples 360 xm0=89.5167 sx0=32.6204 ym0=6.65833 sy0=10.5731 rr0=0.473185 pp0=0.68 f0(t)=xm0+sx0*sqrt(-2*(1-rr0*rr0)*log(1-pp0)/(1-2*rr0*sin(t)*cos(t)))*cos(t) g0(t)=ym0+sy0*sqrt(-2*(1-rr0*rr0)*log(1-pp0)/(1-2*rr0*sin(t)*cos(t)))*sin(t) xm1=142.767 sx1=35.1117 ym1=11.3917 sy1=8.83911 rr1=0.617248 pp1=0.68 f1(t)=xm1+sx1*sqrt(-2*(1-rr1*rr1)*log(1-pp1)/(1-2*rr1*sin(t)*cos(t)))*cos(t) g1(t)=ym1+sy1*sqrt(-2*(1-rr1*rr1)*log(1-pp1)/(1-2*rr1*sin(t)*cos(t)))*sin(t) xm2=122.233 sx2=52.8248 ym2=15.9417 sy2=7.59982 rr2=0.873694 pp2=0.68 f2(t)=xm2+sx2*sqrt(-2*(1-rr2*rr2)*log(1-pp2)/(1-2*rr2*sin(t)*cos(t)))*cos(t) g2(t)=ym2+sy2*sqrt(-2*(1-rr2*rr2)*log(1-pp2)/(1-2*rr2*sin(t)*cos(t)))*sin(t) xm3=169.725 sx3=47.6587 ym3=22.7 sy3=4.45258 rr3=0.769632 pp3=0.68 f3(t)=xm3+sx3*sqrt(-2*(1-rr3*rr3)*log(1-pp3)/(1-2*rr3*sin(t)*cos(t)))*cos(t) g3(t)=ym3+sy3*sqrt(-2*(1-rr3*rr3)*log(1-pp3)/(1-2*rr3*sin(t)*cos(t)))*sin(t) plot \ f0(t),g0(t) with lines linetype 1 title "Asahikawa", \ f1(t),g1(t) with lines linetype 2 title "Akita", \ f2(t),g2(t) with lines linetype 3 title "Tokyo", \ f3(t),g3(t) with lines linetype 4 title "Naha", \ "temp0.prn" with points pointtype 1 pointsize 1.5 linetype 1 title "Asahikawa", \ "temp1.prn" with points pointtype 2 pointsize 1.5 linetype 2 title "Akita", \ "temp2.prn" with points pointtype 3 pointsize 1.5 linetype 3 title "Tokyo", \ "temp3.prn" with points pointtype 4 pointsize 1.5 linetype 4 title "Naha"