set terminal png #出力をpngファイルに指定 set output "fig_test5.png" #pngファイル名指定 #set terminal postscript #set output "" # set title "Asahikawa" set xrange [0.5:12.5] set xtics ("Jan" 1,"Feb" 2,"Mar" 3,"Apr" 4,"May" 5,"Jun" 6,"Jul" 7,"Aug" 8,"Sep" 9,"Oct" 10,"Nov" 11,"Dec" 12) set ytics set y2tics set ylabel "Rainfall (mm)" set y2label "Temperature (deg.C)" set yrange [0:200] set y2range [-10:30] set key left top # #boxの中を塗りつぶす set style fill solid 0.2 border # plot "inp_asahikawa.txt" using 1:2 axes x1y1 with boxes title "Rainfall" linetype 3, \ "inp_asahikawa.txt" using 1:3 axes x1y2 with linespoints title "Temperature" pointsize 1 pointtype 5 linetype 1 #